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吳宜樺 WU Yi-Hua




中華民國藝評人協會(AICA Taiwan)理事長 & 國際藝評人協會(AICA International)國際理事


吳宜樺獲取法國巴黎第八大學美學、科學與藝術科技博士、法國巴黎國家高等裝飾藝術學院互動藝術後文憑、法國尼斯國家高等藝術學院國家造形文憑。曾經任職瑞士媒體當代藝術與當代表演特約記者與評論,並參與日內瓦在地文化智庫活動。中外文藝術評論不定期發表在國內外藝術媒體雜誌。2022年受文化部巴黎台灣文化中心委託,在法國亞爾勒國際攝影節策展  « 黑水溝使者-許進源個展 » 。

近年曾經參展桃園科技藝術節、台北當代藝術館穿孔城市聯展、亞洲藝術雙年展、巴黎影像論壇(Forum des Images)與龐畢度藝術中(Festival Pocket Films)等藝術節展覽。



Current Position:
- Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts
- President, Association of Art Critics of Taiwan (AICA Taiwan)
- International Board Member, International Association of Art Critics (AICA International)


- Ph.D. in Aesthetics, Science and Art Technology, University of Paris 8, France
- Post-diploma in Interactive Art Studio, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
- DNAP, Villa Arson - École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Nice, France


Professional Experience:
Dr. Wu Yi-hua had worked as a journalist and critic for Swiss media, specializing in contemporary art and performance. She had also participated in cultural think tank activities in Geneva. 

In 2022, commissioned by the Taiwan Cultural Center in Paris, Ministry of Culture, she curated the exhibition "Messenger of the Strait - Hsu Chin-yuan Solo Exhibition" at the Rencontres d'Arles International Photography Festival in France.


Recent Exhibitions:
She has participated in various exhibitions, including the Taoyuan Arts Festival, the "Perforated City" joint exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, the Asian Art Biennial, the Forum des Images in Paris, and the Festival Pocket Films at the Centre Pompidou.


Research Interests:
- Contemporary Art and Methodology of Transdisciplinary Art Research
- Transdisciplinary Art Practice Research

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