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The Wildebeest on the Savanna Occasionally Recalls Its Previous Life


A Solo Exhibition by Wu Yi-Hua

         在歷史的長河中,藝術如何與當下對話?吳宜樺的個展 ⟪草原上的牛羚偶爾會想起它的前世⟫ 邀請我們重新審視藝術與歷史的複雜關係。展覽以一個帶有神秘性的意象開場:草原上的牛羚回憶前世。這個比喻揭示了藝術家對時間、記憶和歷史的關注。在特定的時空中,我們是否能與過往產生神秘的連結?​特別是當我們走進藝術時間花園的深處。

         吳宜樺的 Dark HeART 跨領域展演系列挑戰了我們對藝術史的傳統理解方式,她結合多媒體裝置、表演文件和視覺藝術,創造了一個讓觀眾重新思考藝術的空間。作為一位在台灣成長、在歐洲深造的藝術家,面對臺灣與西方、當代與歷史之間矛盾的內在分離,吳宜樺運用「以幻治幻」的歷史變體藝術策略, 並配合懸念式反諷和黑色幽默的表現手法,讓過往的藝術歷史在當代創作中重生,將之轉化為可思考的影像事件。總之,在這個個展中,歷史不再是靜止的敘事,而是一個充滿張力的對話平台,藝術家以反歷史奇觀化的劇場性創作方式,對抗形象的歷史化,引導觀眾以新的視角審視和解構各類型的藝術神話,揭示其中潛藏的人性瘋狂和矛盾。

In the long river of history, how does art engage in dialogue with the present? Yi-hua Wu's solo exhibition "The Wildebeest on the Savanna Occasionally Recalls Its Previous Life" invites us to re-examine the complex relationship between art and history. The exhibition opens with a mysterious image: a wildebeest on the savanna recalling its previous life. This metaphor reveals the artist's concern with time, memory, and history. In specific times and spaces, can we form mysterious connections with the past? Especially when we delve deep into the garden of artistic time.

Yi-hua Wu's Dark HeART transdisciplinary performance series challenges our traditional understanding of art history. Combining multimedia installations, performance documentation, and visual art, she creates a space for viewers to reconsider art. As an artist who grew up in Taiwan and studied in Europe, facing the internal separation between Taiwan and the West, the contemporary and the historical, Wu employs an artistic strategy of "treating illusion with illusion" in historical variations. Using suspenseful irony and dark humor, she allows past art history to be reborn in contemporary creations, transforming it into contemplative visual events.

In this solo exhibition, history is no longer a static narrative but a platform for dialogue filled with tension. The artist uses theatrical creation methods that counter historical spectacularization to resist the historicization of images, guiding viewers to examine and deconstruct various types of artistic myths from new perspectives, revealing the hidden madness and contradictions of human nature.

The Wildebeest on the Savanna Occasionally Recalls Its Previous Life
A Solo Exhibition by Wu Yi-Hua
Exhibition: September 19 - October 6, 2024
Open daily from 9 AM to 5 PM
Location: Meili Yongan Arts Center, New Taipei City
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